Year Two – January

I am going to keep taking photos… but instead of blogging, I am going to share a photo from everyday I have managed to capture one or edited one throughout the month … add them to this blog whilst I can and share them on the last day of the month!

Limiting myself to just sharing one photo a day is much harder than I thought – I have to choose the best one for that day and although limiting myself gives me more time to edit, and allows me to develop a theme – it makes me think a lot more about the photo I want to share. Very much a new challenge! Continue reading

Year Two (09) – Film Noir

Another exciting evening at the Old Bakery and this time with the help of Lucy and a grand piano it was time to dip into the darkness and have a go at my own take on Film Noir style images. Black and white traditionally – but to great shots you need to include the whole black and white range – making sure the black is black and the white is white – without blowing out the highlights. Continue reading

Year 2 (o8) – Mist at Gatton

Last Saturday morning I was woken by a surprise phone call at 6am. My neighbour and friend was at the airport off to warm clients and had forgotten her passport – and wondered if it was on the bed… it was … So i enjoyed a lovely sunrise from my position on the motorway as I delivered it – 2.5hours a way so they caught their flight.

I am the best neighbour!!

There was lots of mist and fog at Gatwick – so I took the opportunity to explore – the nearest National Trust spot for a walk was Gatton. I arrived, parked off, found a leaflet for a walk and set off to explore…. and then I enjoyed an amazing cheese and bacon toastie from the Urban Kitchen … I definitely recommend, and I will have to go back to see the views and explore the fort!

Dog walker in the mist

Considering it is January – I was surprised to able to still capture Autumn leaves and they looked really vibrant against the mist, I used them hear to frame the shot … and a sneaky pretend phone call enabled the dog walker who was ambling along the path behind me to over take so that I could include him in the shot – I just wish now he had a brighter coat that would have complimented the leaves and was walking towards me.

Through the trees

Mist really does limit the colour palette of the image – the bright green of a mossy tree trunk is a real contrast to the misty woods behind.

Hidden on the hill

It was really hard to focus through the mist and the colour saturation is really odd, in the way that the land is reflected up into the fog, adding real atmosphere to my image. I would love to know what the view is like on a clear day!

The stone circle

There was the millennium stone circle in a field full of friendly and inquisitive sheep – that had really strong lines, but it was very hard to get a sheep free image, as you can see in tis shot below… and the black sheep did not really add any detail or story to the image, only emphasizing the murkiness of the morning.

I have never really photographed mist before – and although a cloud day is shadow free, a misty day is also shadow free when the mist  and fog is so dense, but I also feel it swallowed the details and a gave me a much narrower contrast range to work with with the one exposure, saying that it was a great place to explore.

The Millenium Stones


Year 2 (07) Live Bands

Old Bakery studio and a new challenge – a new venue, limited time, group shots and having to use flash… and a group of photographers who also want to get the shot! The aim of the evening’s activity was to capture some bands in a music studio – either posing for shots as a group or during their rehearsals. Continue reading

Year 2 (06) – Salisbury Cathedral

I was not going to blog any more … however I want to keep taking photos and I find myself doing my 6th blog in 18 days … crazy! Continue reading

Year Two (05) – Seascape challenge

The challenge to step outside my comfort zone continues, in the hope that it will make me a better photographer or more aware of the shot I want to create, so when one of my photographer friends – Tim – a landscape photographer who I met through the Old Bakery group suggested joining him on a Monday morning at a location in Dorset to capture some images I said yes.

Little did I realise then that the 6.50am car park meeting point meant that I had to get out of bed at 4am! I had to get there… and everyone lived a lot closer than me! Going to bed at midnight and being woken at 2am with thunder made it a long day! Once we arrived then headed off in the dark for a couple of miles walk to his chosen location to make it in time for first lighting – which amazingly was dry … although there was no sunrise.

Dorsert Seascapes - Dancing Ledges National Trust
Today’s view – ISO100, F11, 5sec

This was our location, known as Seacombe Continue reading

Year Two (04) – Pixel Stick, Light Stick and City Streets

Have you see the videos online demonstrating a pixel stick… do you know what one is? It is a light stick designed for light painting which can be used to project images infront of the camera which are not visible to the naked eye. They are really expensive… but when the opportunity arose to see one in action and to take some photos I had to pop along to find out more….

Pixel Sticks

A sample picture demonstration.
A sample picture demonstration.

Continue reading

Year Two (03) – Studio Creatures

I was back at the Old Bakery photostudio this week with the chance to photograph some stick insects, millipedes, scorpion and giant spider, it was a great evening, but this time I felt much more in control. Continue reading

Year Two (02) – My collection

The first challenge that Emma has set for the #AyearWithMyCamera project is to create a collection.

My first thought was dread … taking a photo and blogging about it everyday suddenly seemed easy as now I need to plan.. I need a theme, something that I can commit to and take a photo of regularly and then I began to think more about what I could I collect and how I could make it possible, bearing in mind that circumstances change throughout the year, sometimes I can go out, sometimes I can’t, sometimes I have more time for taking photos than other times, sometimes structure is great, other times I just want to capture the moment and enjoy it for what it is…. Continue reading